Saturday, March 29, 2025

September 30, 2013

Please Enjoy Alec Baldwin Helping His Wife In A Yoga Pregnancy Video

Alec Baldwin's wife, Hilaria, has made this awesome prenatal yoga video, and guess who's in it? That's right, her very loving husband. Watch as Hilaria explains how to move through the posture, while stone-faced Alec presses lightly down on her hips to help expand them. But the best part is at the end.

Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, has made this awesome prenatal yoga video, and guess who’s in it? That’s right, her very loving husband. Watch as Hilaria explains how to move through the posture, while stone-faced Alec presses lightly down on her hips to help expand them. The best part is at the end, when Hilaria smiles, and says “Thanks, honey!” Alec looks confused as to whether he’s allowed to talk or not, before saying in a very calm and awkward voice, “It’s nothing.”


[Source: Gawker]