Friday, March 14, 2025

September 19, 2013

Do You Keep Forgetting Your Dreams? This Dream Tracker App Is For You [VIDEO]

Do you struggle to remember your dreams? Of course you do, nearly everyone does. That's not to say that you can't remember them at all. If you were to say, write down or dictate exactly what you recall of your dreams within the first five minutes of waking up, you'd be able to capture at least a part of them. And over time, you might be able to comb that data for patterns. Shadow is an app that will help you to do that.

Do you struggle to remember your dreams? Of course you do, nearly everyone does. That’s not to say that you can’t remember them at all. If you were to say, write down or dictate exactly what you recall of your dreams within the first five minutes of waking up, you’d be able to capture at least a part of them. And over time, you might be able to comb that data for patterns. Shadow is an app that will help you to do that.

Not only will the app collate and present patterns in your dream data, it gives you the option to share your dreams with the community of users, where you’ll find people with similar patterns to you, across the globe.

Shadow is currently in invite-only beta. You can sign up to give the app a try on its website.

But can anyone develop an app like this? Don’t you have to have some medical knowledge of sleep?

Simon Barber of local app development agency, ThoughtFaqtory said:

I believe that when developing new products, that domain knowledge is incredibly important in building a successful solution. So in the case of the Shadow mobile app, we would consult or partner with a sleep expert to harness their experience and knowledge to make the product even better.

[Source : Mashable]