Thursday, March 27, 2025

September 18, 2013

People Have Already Started Queueing For The New iPhone – 4 Days Early [PIC]

The iPhone 5S goes on sale at 08h00 on Friday, and die hard Apple devotees/entrepreneurs are already lining up! Gad Haradi, 17, is camped outside the flagship store in London and hopes some desperate person will pay up to £1,000 for his prime spot. He said, "There are crazy people who are willing to do that."

The iPhone 5S goes on sale at 08h00 on Friday, and die hard Apple devotees/entrepreneurs are already lining up!

Gad Haradi, 17, is camped outside the flagship store in London and hopes some desperate person will pay up to £1,000 for his prime spot. He said:

There are crazy people who are willing to do that.

Gad and his friend Noah Green have been camped outside the store since Monday, and say they are always among the first people in line for the latest version of the iPhone. The two are braving the weather for the new device that will feature a finger print scan to unlock the phone and a processor that is twice as fast as the iPhone 5.

Noah said:

I’m really excited. It’s going to be incredible, this launch. It’s going to be the biggest yet.

The iPhone 5C (R7,369) will launch along side the iPhone 5S (R8,626).

[Source: Sky News]