Thursday, March 27, 2025

September 4, 2013

CRIME: Photo Reveals Blood Spill, As 2nd Jack Daniel’s Statue Is Stolen

We are not making this up, nor is anyone being paid to stage anything. We can confirm that the Jack Daniel's statue that was initially mistaken as the stolen statue has, itself, been stolen. Blood was found on the scene.

We are not making this up, nor is anyone being paid to stage anything. We can confirm that the Jack Daniel’s statue that was initially mistaken as the stolen statue has, itself, been stolen. Blood was found on the scene.

We received this email from Simon H, the person who had his own Jack Daniel’s, which was mistaken for the statue that we (2oceansvibe) had stolen.

Dear 2oceansvibe

In the early hours of Sunday morning our beloved Jack was stolen from Abmor. With the type of headache reserved for people out until 4am, we could hardly believe our eyes that all that was left was a square shaped outline of dusk where the plinth of Jack once stood. A few nervous laughs were heard and then the seriousness of the situation took hold. Our confidant & house mascot was gone..

A photo shows where the Jack Daniel’s statue stood
The sharp spikes of the apartment block gates can be seen 

Admittedly, we should have known that there would be trouble. Many people have remarked how irresponsible it was of 2oceansvibe to put pictures of our house on the website as well as my name especially since the nature of the accusation was defamatory. Undoubtedly, a 2oceansvibe reader came up with the senseless idea to steal something which meant a lot to us. It is unfortunate to think that the theft of your statue has led to the theft of another. There are mixed emotions at home including some very angry ones directed at 2oceansvibe. However, I think the consensus is that it was all fun and games until somebody got stolen.

A pool of blood was found by the fence we share with our hot next-door neighbour and her child (not cool!!). Please see the picture attached. The thief must have cut himself on the way over the fence. Our resident molecular and cell biologist, Stewart has taken a DNA sample and we shall hand this over to the police if Jack is not returned.

We would like to join our forces with you 2oceansvibe to obtain any information that leads to the safe return of Jack.

Thief, Karma doesn’t forget.



REWARD: We contacted our man at Jack Daniel’s and he has confirmed that a ‘no-questions-asked’ reward of a CASE of Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 will be given for the safe return of EITHER statue.

If this is all new to you, CLICK HERE for the original story.

CLICK HERE for the follow-up.

After that, Simon H demanded compensation for the false accusation HERE.

And now this story you read today. What a sad, sad state of affairs.