Yahoo Beats Google In Traffic For First Time Since 2011 – For the first time in more than two years, Yahoo sites were the most visited in the country in July, according to a monthly report from comScore, which tracks unique visitors to U.S. properties across the web. [cnn]
Wentworth Miller, The Guy From Prison Break, Is Gay – Actor and screenwriter Wentworth Miller, best known for his leading role in Fox television drama “Prison Break,” came out as a gay man on Wednesday in a letter declining an invitation to attend a Russian film festival in light of Moscow’s recently adopted anti-gay laws. [reuters]
Another Base-Jumper Dies After Hitting Cliff – Mario Richard, a leader in the extreme sport of BASE jumping, in which participants leap from fixed objects and use a parachute to break their fall, died Monday while wingsuit flying in the Dolomites in Italy. He was 47. [nytimes]
Judge Sentences Bradley Manning To 35 Years – A military judge on Wednesday sentenced Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison, bringing to a close the government’s determined pursuit of the Army intelligence analyst who leaked the largest cache of classified documents in U.S. history. [washpo]
Simon Cowell Confirms He Will Be A Father – After weeks of speculation, X Factor mogul Simon Cowell has confirmed he is to become a father for the first time. “I’m proud to be a dad,” the 53-year-old told the BBC. [bbc]
FFS, Says FF About EFF Name – The IEC is looking into an objection by the Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) against the registration of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) as a political party, it said on Wednesday. [news24]
Kenny Kunene Ditches EFF’s Leadership – Kenny Kunene has resigned from the EFF’s leadership before its revolution had a chance to take off, but the party says he’s still a member. [mail&guardian]
University Dropouts Outnumber Graduates – Only 5% of black and coloured students who enter higher education complete their studies. This is the disturbing picture painted by the Council for Higher Education’s task team report on the undergraduate curriculum structure. [timeslive]
NSA Can ‘Reach Roughly 75% Of All U.S. Internet Traffic’ – A new report by the Wall Street Journal casts doubt on that comforting notion. According to the Journal, the NSA “has the capacity to reach roughly 75% of all U.S. Internet traffic.” [washpo]
Rodent Fur Found In Heinz Ketchup – Brazilian health officials have banned a batch of Mexico-made Heinz ketchup, after detecting traces of rodent fur. [bbc]
Maria Sharapova Out Of US Open – Maria Sharapova pulled out of the US Open on Wednesday because of a right shoulder injury. The U.S. Tennis Association announced the 2006 champion’s withdrawal. [espn]
Canon Debuts Its First ‘Facebook Ready’ Camera – The Canon PowerShot N isn’t your typical point-and-shoot camera. There’s a button on the side that sports the Facebook logo. One press, and you’re ready to share the photos or videos you’ve just shot. [mashable] But can it phone and give GPS directions?..
Lady Gaga Not Playing Fair To Top Charts – With the release of her new single “Applause,” Lady Gaga has made waves by encouraging questionable practices to get the song to the top of the charts. [huffpo]
HIV Test Prompts Proposal for Porn Film Moratorium – The adult film industry announced a moratorium on the making of porn films Wednesday after an actor tested positive for HIV. [abc]
North Korean Mother Forced To Kill Own Baby – Public executions and torture are daily occurrences in North Korea’s prisons, according to dramatic testimony from former inmates at a U.N. Commission of Inquiry that opened in South Korea’s capital on Tuesday. [reuters]
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Protea Hotel President Outside Broadcast And Giveaway, 12h00 – Just Josie broadcasts live from the Protea Hotel President from 12h00-14h00 today to school you on why this is the perfect seaside breakaway. From the breezy luxury resort vibe, to the stunning setting of where this hotel is perched, come day or night, this hotel boasts a number of facilities which sets it apart from many others. Tune in from 12h00 today and find out how you can win a weekend stay! [justjosie]
Designer Craig Port With Bailey Schneider, 2pm – Craig Port is one of the don’s of fashion in Cape Town. Mr. Port has been dominant in the fashion industry for over 20 years and has worked with many brands such as Kangol and X&O, which layer translated to his very own self named clothing brand that is sold exclusively at YDE stores nation wide. Today, he joins Bailey Schneider in studio from 14h00-15h00 to chat about his journey as a designer, why his designs are in high demand and a few unbelievable, crazy facts about him. The music for the show will all be his choices, of course. [baileyschneider]
Christian Tiger School On The Relevant Music Show, 18h00 – There is no longer room for irrelevant things. We have no longer got the resources. Enter The Relevant Music Show, your weekly dose of new music, ridiculous entertainment news and fashion talk from two people who also happen to be friends. This week’s guests are none other than Sebastiano Zanasi and Luc Vermeer of Christian Tiger School, who are back from Oppikoppi and were recently featured on Cool Hunting. Tune in this Thursday between 18h00 and 20h00 for another exclusive interview that as always, promises to entertain. [trms]