Thursday, March 27, 2025

August 21, 2013

We’ve Located The Statue – But All Is Not As It Seems..

So well done to all our intrepid sleuths out there who sent through information regarding the tip-off we received the other day from an anonymous reader. We have now the exact location of the statue - but all its not as it seems..

So well done to all our intrepid sleuths out there who sent through information regarding the tip-off we received the other day from an anonymous reader. We have now the exact location of the statue – but all its not as it seems..

To recap, we post THIS ARTICLE about our Jack Daniel’s statue having been stolen.

We then received THIS ANONYMOUS TIP and photograph, of said stolen statue. So we offered a series of rewards.

You will see in the comments section here, how that came to pass 

Here is the first bit of feedback we received since then. It came from Mike D, who had this to say:

Hi guys and girls @2oceansvibe,

The statue is at an apartment block on Vredehoek Ave, just up the road from Gardens Shopping Centre. It is clearly visible from the Road.


Thanks for that, Mike – there’s a bottle of Jack waiting for you.

Then we got this excellent bit of detective work, sent in by Christo H.

We’ve censored the exact address for privacy purposes.


The address is 19 Vredehoek Avenue. You can see it on google maps

Thank You and Kind Regards

Christo H

Thanks, Christo! There’s a bottle of Jack waiting for you.

Nice to see RMB have access to 2oceansvibe 😉

Old David T took things one step further and provided this incredible insight:

Have you tried looking at the metadata for the picture?

Often photos taken with a phone with Location settings on will have a GPS co-ordinate in there.

Right click on the bar next to rating. Select more.

Scroll down and tick the box location in the metadata. If its there it will show. Lots of phones have this.

– David T

Wowsers, David T – is that even legal? They should definitely get you on the Oscar Pistorius case. Do you know how to hack an Apple password?

One times bottle of Jack Daniel’s waiting for you, brother.

Got this from one Graham W:

That residence brings back many memories, most of which were forgotten as a student at UCT.

Vredehoek Road, Vredehoek, as you turn the corner going up the first hill towards the mountain.

I was the pioneer of the abode, there are four units, Anthony Turner and myself, Tiger Weakley were the first inhabitants in the top right unit, the I moved across the hall to the top left. Since then it has become a sought after address.

There used to be a modelling agency there as well which helped things.

Nice one. Thanks for that, Graham!

Then we got this from an anonymous person, showing his buddy’s Facebook update – detailing the statue in question. 

Very revealing indeed.

Thanks, anonymous guy – there’ s a bottle of Jack for you too!

So now what are the chances of these guys telling the truth about the statue not being the one we are missing?

We chatted to our main man at Jack Daniel’s, Dino D’Araujo, who confirmed that there was more than one of the statues brought into SA. He said, “We brought about 10 into the country since 2005…we get them in Lynchburg.”

We’re very into giving people the benefit of the doubt, here at 2oceansvibe – and that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing. Especially with this extra info from Dino.

Thanks for the feedback, gang. And well done to our sleuths above – make sure you swing by 2oceansvibe HQ at the Woodstock Exchange to grab your prizes!

Remember the BIG PRIZE* is still available to anyone who returns our original statue!

* Case of Jack & Coke + 1 x bottle of Jack Daniel’s + bottle of Jack Honey + bottle of Gentleman Jack