Last week, Marc and Lauren Gilbert began hearing adult voices coming from their child’s bedroom. As the couple moved closer to the room, they could hear explicit language and a foreign accent speaking to their daughter, Allyson while she was sleeping. The voice called their daughter a “fucking moron” and said, “wake up you little slut”.
According to the couple, the voice was coming from the baby monitor. When Marc and Lauren entered their daughters room, the voice started swearing at them. Calling Marc a moron and Lauren a bitch.
Gilbert said:
At that point I ran over and disconnected it and tried to figure out what happened. [I] Couldn’t see the guy. All you could do was hear his voice and [that] he was controlling the camera.
The couple’s daughter has a hearing impairment, which according to Marc is “somewhat of a blessing”. Marc continued:
If she had heard it, it would have been a big problem.
Marc did not report the incident to the police but wanted to use it to make other parents aware of the dangers that are out there. They also won’t be using a baby monitor. Marc said:
I don’t think it ever will be connected again. I think we are going to go without the baby monitor now.