Tuesday, March 11, 2025

July 29, 2013

Footage Shows Manic Air Rage In China, Amid Long Delays [VIDEO]

The increasing flight delays aren’t being taken lightly by the public in China.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen violence stir up in the airports across China either. Passengers are starting to take their anger issues of being delayed out on airport staff. Last month only 18% of 22,000 flights out of Beijing’s Capital airport left on time. Shanghai’s airport only got 24% of flights out on time.

The constant delays have become too much for the passengers to handle. Fits of rage and venting have been caught on CCTV throughout the year and the video above is one to add to the collection.

On 18 July at Nanchang airport, more than 30 passengers knocked down the security and hastened to the runway after being delayed for seven hours due to bad weather. In the previous week at the Shanghai airport, a passenger allegedly ripped off the flight attendants badge and then hit her in the head. Since the outbreak, two airport staff have been rushed to hospital and three passengers arrested.

Sources say that China’s airport staff have been told to stop announcing flight delays as a result of the violence that’s occurring.

Brisbane Times:

The problems have been caused by a sudden surge in air traffic, flowing into skies that are tightly controlled by the People’s Liberation Army. With only a few permitted routes, issues such as bad weather often force airlines to hold back flights rather than divert them.

[Source: BrisbanTimes]