Yu! If you thought the last proof of life was good, just wait until you see this naughty individual. It was sent in with a good 6 hours to spare. Which means the person who took the pic doesn’t get the Pumas. This guy does..
If you missed the original ‘Naughty Hipster Of The Week‘ entry from Wednesday, do yourself a favour and check out the naughty hipster in question here. So angry..
So according to the rules (see bottom of this article), the person that snapped that particular weekly choice, will get a pair of Pumas IF the naughty hipster in the picture doesn’t come forward within 24 hours.
Jacques came through in 22 hours.
Not so angry anymore!
Amazing that Mr. Grumpy can actually be so excited! Jacques, you cracked us up!
Especially with this note you sent in:
Hi Seth
Here’s my Proof of life.
I’m so very, very happy. And look at me. I’m building my own house. How Hipster is that? I used a cement dust filter on this photo…..can you tell?
mmmmm the sweat between ma cheeks is shananaaa
Sorry to Vaughn who took the almost-winning shot – but I think this is almost better than a pair of Pumas?
Click here for previous entries and read below to enter for the coming weeks.
Good like out there, gang.
A reminder of the Terms & Conditions:
1) Send in your pictures to editor@2oceansvibe.com with the subject ‘Naughty Hipster’
2) Tell us where you took the picture in Cape Town. Make SURE you tell us which ‘neighbourhood’ it was in. All of Cape Town’s new neighbourhoods can be seen at capetownhoods.co.za. Explain what the naughty hipster was up to. Was he/she talking about single-speed BMXs, for example?
3) The most outrageously-hipster photo of a hipster will be posted every Wednesday on 2oceansvibe.
4) The hipster in the photo will have 24 hours to email us at editor@2oceansvibe.com and prove that he is the hipster in the photo. If he manages to do that within 24 hours of the post going up, he wins a pair of Pumas (any pair of Pumas, excluding the ‘Black Station’ collection).
5) If the naughty hipster in the photo does not claim that prize in 24 hours, then the person who took the photo wins a pair of Puma shoes!
6) You can’t take pics of people you know, or people who know you’re taking the pic (unless they look at the camera at the moment of the photo). ie. no friends and no posing for pics.
So off you go – start hunting those naughty hipsters!