We have drones, we have 3D printed everything – the next natural step is get our cars off the ground and into the sky. Terrafugio’s prototype flying car is called The Transition. This car is legal on the streets but has been designed to fly in and out of airports. Last year the second generation of the Transition, the TF-X, performed a driving and flying demo. Terrafugia CEO, Carl Dietrich said:
We are passionate about continuing to lead the creation of a flying car industry and are dedicating resources to lay the foundations for our vision of personal transportation.
Terrafugia is about increasing the level of safety, simplicity, and convenience of aviation. TF-X is an opportunity to provide the world with a new dimension of personal freedom!
The company has said the Transition has shifted,
from research and development to certification, production and customer service activities.
The company already has 100 orders at R2,5 million each, and is expected to have the TF-X on the market by 2015, with the vehicle capable of flying and landing outside of airports.
The company has engaged in conversations with the Federal Aviation Administration regarding the TF-X and the company said the agency has,
demonstrated their willingness to consider innovative technologies and regulatory solutions that are in the public interest and enhance the level of safety of personal aviation.
[Source: CNN News]