Monday, March 24, 2025

May 2, 2013

This Week’s Naughty Hipster Of The Week Is INCREDIBLE! – PART 8 – #naughtyhipster

As usual, it wasn’t easy picking this week’s ‘Naughty Hipster Of The Week‘ – our weekly competition exposing local hipsters who go that extra mile to celebrate their vibe. But when you’re combining a 60’s headband with a mini plastic skateboard..

Before we begin, two bits of news. Firstly, congrats to Jana, who came forward to claim her pair of Puma shoes for being the hipster in last week’s competition (she had 24 hours to find out about it, but took exactly 55 minutes). And secondly we just wanted to remind you that the rules state clearly that the hipster CAN be looking at the camera, as long as it’s not posed and it’s AS you take the picture – which often happens.

If this competition is all new to you – read the rules below at the bottom.

Right, moving swiftly on..

We got this from Steven W:

Hi Seth,

I was minding my own vibes driving through the Union Kloof neighbourhood, when I noticed possibly the hippest dude I have seen in ages riding an eighties inspired plastic skate board. I couldn’t help but think that some effort went into matching the colours of his backpack with the rest of his outfit and skateboard. His bandana is also super hip ‘right now’ and stops his flowing locks from messing with his vibe.

He nailed the very popular and now vintage kick to grab from skating to walking move with equal style and ease.

Go boy!


Indeed, what takes this hipster into the realms of naughtiness, would be the combination of not only the bag and headband, but that skateboard. That small plastic skateboard. Because that’s what makes a hipster truly naughty – he needs to be one step ahead. Ok, so everyone is rocking a skateboard at the moment. That’s why I’m going to rock this plastic skateboard – yellow with green wheels. They’ll never expect it. Genius. And very naughty, at the same time.

So, according to our rules, this naughty hipster has 24 hours to contact us with proof that he is the naughty hipster in the photograph. So if you know him, tell him to email and he will get a brand new pair of Puma shoes if he can prove it is him. See Terms & Conditions below.

Do you know him? Give her a heads up and make her a winner! I’m sure he will appreciate a new pair of Puma shoes.

If he DOESN’T claim the Pumas in 24 hours (2pm tomorrow) then the person that sent this in (Steven, mentioned above) gets the Pumas.

Good luck to the rest of you, as you hunt down your very own naughty hipster.

A reminder of the Terms & Conditions:

1) Send in your pictures to with the subject ‘Naughty Hipster’

2) Tell us where you took the picture in Cape Town. Make SURE you tell us which ‘neighbourhood’ it was in. All of Cape Town’s new neighbourhoods can be seen at Explain what the naughty hipster was up to. Was he/she talking about single-speed BMXs, for example?

3) The most outrageously-hipster photo of a hipster will be posted every Wednesday on 2oceansvibe. 

4) The hipster in the photo will have 24 hours to email us at and prove that he is the hipster in the photo. If he manages to do that within 24 hours of the post going up, he wins a pair of Pumas (any pair of Pumas, excluding the ‘Black Station’ collection).

5) If the naughty hipster in the photo does not claim that prize in 24 hours, then the person who took the photo wins a pair of Puma shoes!

6) You can’t take pics of people you know, or people who know you’re taking the pic (unless they look at the camera at the moment of the photo). ie. no friends and no posing for pics. 

So off you go – start hunting those naughty hipsters!

CLICK HERE for previous Naughty Hipsters.