Yes, it’s tech meta-hipsterism. Glassception, if you will.
Dan McLaughlin was one of the few privileged people to get his hands on the much-hyped Google Glass, yesterday. Like anyone else in his position, Don has elected to make a YouTube video showing us the various stages of unboxing a set of Google Glass.
The problem, of course is that McLaughlin has only one Google Glass unit (first world problem), so while we can appreciate the 720p resolution YouTube video, we don’t ever actually get to see him taking the unit out of the box, because, you know, it’s on his face.
Perhaps an iPhone 5 would have been a better bet, Don?
Although, he does get a good handle on the wonderfully-designed carrier case.
Looks like an intimate experience, just saying.
You can check out the spec sheet for Google Glass, HERE.
[Source: Mashable]