Yesterday, the Johannesburg Metro Police shut down an operation mass producing penis enlargement advertisement posters. Because apparently this is actually a priority issue in our country.
Police officers discovered an undercover printing press (this sounds like the middle ages) by following men distributing the pamphlets in Bree Street, Johannesburg back to the location. The men led them to 220 Jeppe Street, where according to spokesperson Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar, police found some 30,000 penis enlargement pamphlets. The 30,000 penis enlargement pamphlets were confiscated along with other counterfeit goods, including fake Nike and Puma t-shirts that were also being printed on the premises.
Police are still looking for the owner of the operation. If found he or she will be charged with contravening the Sexual Offences Act and the Film and Publications Act – because the pamphlets had pictures of naughty bits on them.
[Source: News24]
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