Friday, March 7, 2025

Ad Agency Charges R9 200 For A Tweet

Anyone who handles the marketing budget for a brand knows that creative in advertising costs a pretty penny. And with good reason – ideas are the very stuff of novelty. Ideas are what gets your brand remembered. A London-based creative agency has taken a novel approach to how they interact with their clients. They do so exclusively via Twitter.

The World’s Fastest Agency was unveiled yesterday, with this interesting business model:

  1. Clients deposit $999 (R9 200) via PayPal to
  2. Clients send through the brief via DM to @fastagency. Obviously, the brief  can’t be more than 140 characters.
  3. Within 24 hours, clients receive the outline of a campaign via twitter DM
Yes, that’s R9 200 for a campaign consisting of 140 characters.
Founder of the World’s Fastest Agency, Floyd Hayes is a former creative at Cunning in London.
As an example of how such a short process can be successful, he showed this campaign he did for Mini while at Cunning:
Brief: Gain media and buzz for our park-anywhere small car.
Response via DM: Attach replica cars to landmark city buildings.
The campaign proved to be a massive success, and has been rolled out globally.
But, there are a few problems with the model. The World’s Fastest Agency offers no follow up, and no clarity on the 140 character idea if the client doesn’t understand the campaign. If the company does not fully understand the vision, or approve it, it could be a lot of money wasted.
Hayes is the epitomy of a creative. He once sent 3D replicas of his head to prospective clients with a note that read.
It is time for me to get some new business in the door. In addition to email, social media, meetings and word of mouth, I thought I’d send out 3D printed heads to key prospects. I quite like the line “tiny head big ideas” – as in real life I do have a small head :).
The exact workings of Hayes’ new business are unclear, business could be working with him directly or he may be consulting with agencies.