Sunday, March 16, 2025

March 6, 2013

The Cloud Rolls On – Local Service Providers Grow The Cloud Storage Industry [INFOGRAPHIC]

Local companies like Soteria Backup are expanding the local industry, and lowering the scare factor that most of us experience when taking the leap to an online consumer service, by charging in Rands. Smart move.

We’ve been banging on quite a lot recently about cloud storage, and why you have no excuse not to be on it by now. We obviously don’t need to tell you that external hard drives are susceptible to the same threats that dog your laptop and the files on it – theft, damage and data corruption. Local companies like Soteria Backup are expanding the local industry, and lowering the scare factor that most of us experience when taking the leap to an online consumer service, by charging in Rands. Smart move.

Soteria is a South African based mass cloud storage solution that offers local storage and support, which means support is a local phone call away (in your own time zone), and they compare favourably to similar services. You install the software, set up your backup parametres, and never think about it again, until the day comes where you restore the contents of your stolen or damaged laptop.

The world – including the South African consumer – is moving inexorably toward cloud computing – for storage, and day-to-day personal and business functions. And to give you a picture of just how big the cloud is, enjoy this tasty infographic from Mashable. Bear in mind that this data is slightly outdated, and the bottom end of 2012 saw substantial growth in cloud computing.

CLICK HERE to check Soteria out.

[Source : Mashable]