Thursday, March 27, 2025

February 27, 2013

At The Design Indaba? You Need The Democratic Republic of Design App

If you’re at this year’s Design Indaba, you need the Democratic Republic of Design app.

Delegates download the free app to become DRD citizens, and then tweet and post photos about the conference to earn virtual currency – design dollars (D$). These dollars can be spent at the DRD Concept Store. Delegates can also earn D$ for their fellow citizens, by liking their tweets and photos.

In addition to earning D$, the daily highest earning representative will become president of the DRD and receive a VIP experience that evening for themselves and a friend. The top ten daily highest earning and 10 (randomly selected) representatives will go into the grand prize draw to win an all-expenses-paid VIP trip to Design Indaba 2014.

The DRD app is available for download from iTunes

Follow the DRD on Twitter HERE, and get involved with the following hashtag: #DRD2013

For more information, visit