There really is no excuse for not finding a date this Valentines Day! Seriously. There’s a dating site for every delightful variety of human being out there. No matter what side of the tracks you happen to fall on, no matter what extra-mural activity tickles your fancy, there is something just for you. Because why? Because the internet.
If the standard dating site is not cutting it for you anymore, have a little gander at the options below.
Sea Captain Date – For scurvied romantics.
“When you’re on a boat full of men all day, let’s just say you don’t get a chance to meet that many women.” – WOW. Match made in heaven as CuddleeBear13 meets MissTaco81.
Miss Travel – For gold diggers with passports.
I actually kind of get this one. You travel often, you find it difficult to settle. Why not bring your date along on your travels? Genius. Kind of.
Women Behind Bars – Exactly what it sounds like.
You may be forgiven for thinking that this is the best way to meet your sexy, martini-pouring, ice-crushing wife. Think again. If you’re looking to improve your creative writing and are happy to stick to stringent visiting times and regulations then this is the dating site for you. Polsmoor does have a nice view.
Positive Singles – Dating for the diseased.
This is a real issue in our country. Seriously. If you are HIV positive it must be pretty difficult to meet potential partners, it could get rather depressing and sites such as this may just help. As for the STD thing, that makes less sense to me. Give it a break, let things heal.
The Ugly Ball – For the preferably candle-lit
This is great! Ugly people are attracted to ugly people. Or are they? That is a debate for another time. But this particular site pits ugly against ugly, large against large and they reproduce. At least, one imagines they do.
Regardless of what kind of person you are and what dating site you chose to use, there is some good news. No matter how infected, ugly or locked up your lover may be, this Valentines you can make them feel like a normal, healthy, attractive and fulfilled person again. No really, check it out –
Same day delivery. No hassle, cool vibe.
It is a pleasure.