Tuesday, March 11, 2025

February 4, 2013

Fearless High-Speed Skateboarder Sets Off Speed Camera On Kloof Nek [VIDEO]

This video is completely off the chain! The camera on Kooof Nek is set for 60-70 km/h so you can work out how fast this guy was going. The speed-wobbles will make you freak! Watch..

We received an email from a 2oceansviber with a link to this video, and it is completely off the chain! The camera on Kooof Nek is set for 60-70 km/h so you can work out how fast this guy was going. The speed-wobbles will make you freak! Watch..

Someone put this guy in touch with Red Bull.

Anyone know who it is?

The comments under the vid on YouTube included this beauty:

Balls you dream of…


[thanks craigharding]

UPDATE: The guy’s name is Decio, but you can call him “Huge Nuts”.