The ANC are freaking out all over the place about a recent FNB broadcast. They’re saying it amounts to ‘treason,’ which is pretty radical. Here is a video of the broadcast. Check it out – it’s only 3 minutes long.
UPDATE: Things are getting very spicy now. the video in this article is from the start of the campaign and is not the exact videos the ANCYL are freaking out about. They now claim that FNB have removed the videos. And they want them back! Read more about that here.
According to Mail & Guardian:
First National Bank’s adverts calling for change in SA has been slammed by the ANC, with its youth league saying the campaign bordered on treason.
“This isn’t an advert – it’s a political statement. An attack on the president, his ministers and government as a whole,” ANC spokesperson Keith Khoza told the Mail & Guardian on Sunday.
FNB launched their You can help brand campaign in Soweto last week through a series of online videos, in which a number of South African youths shared their views on the country.
Damn. I wish we could all just get along.
I thought treason was to do with the old days, involving kings and queens. Apparently not.
This is what Michael Jordaan had to say:
UPDATE: This is the video which launched the campaign, the ANC is up in arms over a set of videos that have since been taken off FNB’s youtube account. [thanks Nickolaus]