Friday, March 28, 2025

December 14, 2012

Oscar Pistorius Raced An Arab Horse In Qatar, And Won [VIDEO]

Yeah, that's right. Our very own Blade Runner took on a horse - that's four legs against NONE - and dominated. The race took place in Qatar as part of an effort to promote disability sport and fight discrimination in the region.

Yeah, that’s right. Our very own Blade Runner took on a horse – that’s four legs against NONE – and dominated. The race took place in Qatar as part of an effort to promote disability sport and fight discrimination in the region.

Pistorius said after the race:

It wasn’t about who won today, it was just about coming out here and really just showing people that those with disabilities are not to be stereotyped against . . . Having the Arab horse out here, which is a symbolisation of strength and power in this region, to be able to do a showcase event like this, is a lot of fun.

Especially when you kick it’s ass.

So that’s it. A rad stunt, our golden boy, a double amputee outrunning a large beast with four legs that is freaking designed to run. You would think that South Africans would raise their Castles and celebrate. But no, our very own website, The South African, decided to act like a petulant 12 year old:

Questions have been raised as to whether it was really a fair race, as Pistorius was given a 15m head start and the horse was visibly restrained by his rider. The South African SPCA was also outraged at the treatment of the horse, which it says was “unnecessarily and cruelly whipped from start to finish.”

For goodness sake. It was a publicity stunt not an olympic final. Who the hell was raising the questions anyway? The Federation Of Beasts Versus Human Athletics (FOBVA)?

We love it. Go Oscar, take down these animals one by one.

[Source: The Telegraph, The South African]