Saturday, March 8, 2025

November 23, 2012

AOL Co-Founder Reckons You Must Watch These 10 TEDTalks [VIDEOS]

Steve Case is a highly respected individual for many reasons, but most importantly because he is the co-founder of America Online, or AOL as you might know it.

Steve Case is a highly respected individual for many reasons, but most importantly because he is the co-founder of America Online, or AOL as you might know it.

AOL is one of the biggest online resources today, and it has a huge influence over “interactive services, Internet technologies and e-commerce services.”

Case has been attending TED for two decades, and he thinks these 10 are worthy of your must watch list.

Says Case:

What started as a ‘dinner party for a hundred of the world’s greatest minds’ (which is how founder Richard Saul Wurman initially conceived of TED) has now evolved to be a global platform for ‘ideas worth spreading.’ The decision by Chris Anderson to launch and make the talks available to the world has made TED all the more impactful, not just for the ideas, but for the people sharing them. Ken Robinson, for example, was respected for his views on education, but after his TED talk was downloaded 14 million times, he became a global icon for creativity, virtually overnight.

It has been amazing to watch TED’s transition from party to platform, and from a small gathering for the benefit of a few in Monterey, California to a massive global movement. Choosing my favorite TEDTalks after so many years was no easy task, but here goes…

Billy Graham on faith and technology:

Ken Robinson on schools and creativity:

Hans Rosling on stats that reshape your worldview:

Brian Stevenson on injustice:

Stanley McChrystal on leadership:

Eli Pariser on the risk of online “filter bubbles”:

Regina Dugan on fearless, innovative research projects:

Susan Cain on the power of introverts:

Temple Grandin on the need for all kinds of minds:

An astonishing performance by El Sistema’s national youth orchestra:

[Source: Mashable]