Thursday, March 27, 2025

November 22, 2012

The Jack Daniel’s Music Reporter: Featuring ‘Juke Royal’ From Cape Town

This month the Jack Daniel’s Music Reporter hooked up with a young Cape Town act called Juke Royal. These boys don’t take themselves too seriously, which makes them a blast to hang out with them and watch live on stage. You have to love the bit at the end when they’re talking about their fan base: a girl from Stellenbosch apparently…

The Jack Daniel’s Music Reporter

As most folks know, Jack Daniel’s has always had a special relationship with music. Some have even called it a love affair. Frank, Keith, Jimmy, Guns… the list of legends that have a special place in their heart for Jack is long and distinguished. Since day one, the Tennessee Whiskey has been back stage, on stage and at the after party, as much a part of music folklore as a Fender guitar or a Marshall amp. It’s in this spirit that the Jack Daniel’s Music Reporter is made. Every month the reporter goes behind the music to find out what makes some of South Africa’s hottest bands tick, as well as unearthing some new talent along the way; those young acts that have a fresh new slant on things, boldly going where no muso has gone before.

This month’s band: Juke Royal

This month the Jack Daniel’s Music Reporter hooked up with a young Cape Town act called Juke Royal. These boys sure know how to work those instruments, and they’re also great songwriters. On top of all that they don’t take themselves too seriously, which makes it a blast to hang out with them and see them live on stage. You have to love the bit at the end when they’re talking about their fan base: a girl from Stellenbosch apparently…