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Well I’m certainly looking at this weekend’s Rocking The Daisies festival a little differently. A Canadian man is breathing a huge sigh of relief after police laboratory tests revealed that his grow operation was completely legal. He tried to raise this with the police during the raid, but I’d imagine that the “It’s not weed, I swear!” excuse wasn’t that effective.
The large bust was announced to great fanfare by Canadian authorities in July, after the scent of marijuana smoke tipped police off in obtaining a warrant. Discovering the massive grow operation, they arrested Ryan Rockman, the owner of the home. Turns out they were just daisies. He has been growing the Autumn perennial in this manner for a decade.
A spokesperson for Canadian police has defended their actions:
I don’t think there is anything at this point for the guys to apologise for. They acted on what they believed to be the best information they had at the time. First of all, we don’t know for sure they’re daisies. The guys believed they were dealing with a sub-strain of marijuana. There are some similarities to the (marijuana) plant when you look directly at the plant. But are they identical? No, they’re not. [Even so] the guys thought they we dealing with a large grow operation and they responded accordingly.
Lab results have confirmed that the plants are NOT weed, and the charges have been dropped. Rockman is not completely off the hook though – he is still being charged with the possession of almost 700 grams of weed. It was most likely the smell of him indulging in this stash that tipped the police off in the first place.
Just don’t smoke the daisies.
[Source: The Star]