Imagine working on a construction site right in the heart of one of Germany’s largest cities, and suddenly coming across a large, rusty, unidentified object. Trying to figure out what the large, 250kg object is, you ask your foreman. You learn that it’s a bomb, left over from when the Allies bombed the shit out of you, 70 years ago.
This is exactly what happened yesterday, when Munich construction workers came upon an undetonated bomb. Still live, this extremely dangerous explosive failed to go off when it was dropped onto the city during World War II. After bomb experts (who I can only assume have balls made of solid steel) assessed the bomb, they determined that the reason the bomb had not exploded was because of a chemical, delayed action detonator.
The only safe thing to do was to detonate the bomb, so last night about 3 000 citizens near the site left their homes, clearing the site before the big bang. Video footage of the explosion shows the real potential damage this thing could have done if it had gone off accidentally.
The explosion took place last night at about 21h45.
[Source: MSNBC]