Wednesday, March 26, 2025

August 27, 2012

FOR SALE: Original Robben Island Prison Cell Door [PICS]

As far as owning a piece of history goes, this prison cell door, from Robben Island - the institution infamous for the incarceration Nelson Mandela - is about as good as it gets. The cell door is still in the same condition it was when it was removed in 1996, and may even have imprisoned Mandela himself!

As far as owning a piece of history goes, this prison cell door, from Robben Island – the institution infamous for the incarceration Nelson Mandela – is about as good as it gets. The cell door is still in the same condition it was when it was removed in 1996, and may even have imprisoned Mandela himself!

So, I hear what you’re saying, “what am I going to do with a prison cell door?”,  but clearly you’re missing the point. This is an actual cell door, from the actual prison where former president Nelson Mandela spent a considerable chunk of his life. The history tied to a piece like this is literally cannot be measured, however eBay user awct has valued it at at least $10 000. More, from the selling page,

This is an original prison cell gate from Robben Island, The Island prison off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa. It was removed in 1996 when the prison was converted into a museum after the release of the political prisoners. The story is that 3 gates were removed, one was given to Mr Mandela, he now has it as his garden gate at his home. I obtained the other two. One was stolen from me and was sold as scrap. The other I am offering here. This is a very rare item and it is unlikly that another like it will ever come onto the market again. It is in completly original condition. This is your chance to own one of the very gates from South Africas most notorious jail, used to imprison activists during the aparthied struggle. Men like Nelson Mandela, Jacob Zuma, and many more were held on this island prison, and could very well have been held in the cell behind this gate during there time on Robben Island.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your credit cards, click here, and let the bidding war begin, I know of at least one high-powered whip-cracker who has already envisioned it on his pool room’s wall, and he won’t go down without a fight.

[Source: eBay]