Tuesday, March 18, 2025

August 1, 2012

DA Issues Challenge In Limpopo Textbook Saga

The textbook saga in Limpopo has been dragging on for ages, and local politicians have seen this as a fantastic opportunity to make themselves look good. Well, the Democratic Alliance, at least. Some Limpopo schools are still without textbooks, in spite of government intervention and a court order from the North Gauteng High Court.

The textbook saga in Limpopo has been dragging on for ages, and politicians have seen this as a fantastic opportunity to make themselves look good. Well, the Democratic Alliance, at least. Some Limpopo schools are still without textbooks, in spite of government intervention and a court order from the North Gauteng High Court.

Speaking at a DA political rally, Lindiwe Mazibuko offered a challenge to the leaders of Limpopo – to match the delivery as seen right here in the Western Cape. She also added that she would have no problem in sharing the DA’s delivery strategy with other local governments.

We are willing to share all the details behind our plan, all programmes, delivery times and any other information in order to make sure that the young people of all nine provinces are able to access quality education.

I’d imagine that the strategy would be as follows: place your order on time, pay your publishers on time, and deliver before the school year begins. Let’s be honest, it’s not really rocket science.

At the centre of this hot mess has been the minister for Basic Education, Angie Motshekga. She has been blamed for almost every aspect so far, from non-delivery to books in rivers. Mazibuko however believes that she should not be made the scapegoat of this disaster, but that all who are responsible should face punishment.

The ANC Youth League and the Congress of South African Students issued their own ultimatum yesterday: that if Motshekga doesn’t step down, mass action will be engaged. This will no doubt involve anger, singing, and possibly some stones.

All of the above is good and well, but at the end of the day there’s one thing we all seem to have forgotten while busy pointing fingers and making placards. It’s August, and in Limpopo there are kids that probably haven’t had a proper education. With a South African Matric certification almost worthless, shouldn’t we be trying a little harder?

[Source: EWN]