Tom Grundy
After being branded a war criminal at the Leveson Inquiry last month, a member of the public attempted a citizen’s arrest on Tony Blair yesterday! The former prime minister was about to start a speech on faith and globalisation at Hong Kong University, when the incident took place.
Tom Grundy, a British activist, rose from the audience. He carried with him a sheaf of notes about the legal basis for the attempted arrest. According to him they covered alleged violations by Blair of the UN charter, the Nuremberg principles, and the Geneva and Hague conventions.
Obviously he was “escorted” from the room by some serious-looking, suit-wearing guys.
My favourite part is where Blair, in an attempt to deflect the attention away from himself, and says (referring to the fact that Grundy caused a two minute scene): “Well, that’s democracy for you!”
Check out video footage below:
“And, that’s democracy for you!”
[Source: Telegraph]