Mitt’s on track for November, but is his IT team?
It’s been both a good and bad week for US Republican candidate Mitt Romney as the States edges ever closer to a November Presidential election.
On the plus side, yesterday’s victory in the Texas party primary ballot means Mitt has enough votes (1 144) to officially secure the Republican nomination at the GOP party conference in August. Primary elections take place in all American states and territories on a staggered schedule almost a year before the full election, so the party can collect consensus on who it wants to send to the polls against the incumbent President.
“I am honoured that Americans across the country have given their support to my candidacy and I am humbled to have won enough delegates to become the Republican Party’s 2012 presidential nominee,” Mr Romney said in statement. Next up, Mitt is going to have to nominate a co-runner, who would be his Vice-President should things go his way in November. The party will meanwhile need to gear up it’s campaigning in so-called “battleground” states to try convince independent voters, and undecided’s to plump for the GOP.
On the negative side of Mitt’s week so far is a fairly embarrassing technical gaffe on his popular iPhone app, which, besides frontloading ardent fans of the Mormon governor with information about his campaign, also contains a function which allows users to decorate their photos with Mitt’s catchphrases – something like an Instragram filter, and… well, just as lame. The many available captions include “Believe in America,” “Obama Isn’t Working,” “I’m a Mom for Mitt” and “A Better Amercia”… Oh… wait, no, you read that right. “A Better Amercia”.
Oh dear. If there’s one thing you don’t want to do in the razor thin and razor sharp contest prior to an American election, it’s put your foot quite so deeply in it. You can get a taste of Mitt’s critics’ reactions (on Twitter) here.
Before Mitt jumps on the campaign trail to become the next Amercian president, he might want to have a word with his IT team.