Monday, March 24, 2025

Guinness Turns Submarine Into Underwater Bar [PICS]

Branding! It's good for you. Jump Studios, a London-based architecture firm, recently finished up the interior on a submarine for Guinness' deep-sea bar, which plunged to the depths of the Baltic on its maiden voyage. The sub was commissioned to celebrate Guinness' 250th anniversary. Take a look at the thing after the jump.

Branding! It’s good for you. Jump Studios, a London-based architecture firm, recently finished up the interior on a submarine for Guinness’ deep-sea bar, which plunged to the depths of the Baltic on its maiden voyage. The sub was commissioned to celebrate Guinness’ 250th anniversary.

The vessel has about 11 square metres of space inside of it, so it’s a small sort of bar. Still, between the sculpted seating nooks, rubber disks and LEDs, it has a pretty neat pop-art thing going for it. It’s apparently meant to communicate a “dynamic, flowing experience,” which is the kind of thing branding agencies would say.

The interior had to meet pretty stringent marine specs on matters such as ventilation and fire safety, while also satisfying the operational requirements of the submarine. And being a bar that people would like to go to, in spite of being at the bottom of the ocean.


[Source: TDW]