Saturday, March 29, 2025

May 14, 2012

Derek Watts Debuts All New “Pinkie Pinch” Hand Gesture On Carte Blanche

Derek Watts aficionados will agree that Dezza only adds a new “move” once in a blue moon. This is one of those rare moments.

He pulled out a brand new hand gesture on Sunday night, as he delivered his closing message to camera on MNET’s Carte Blanche magazine show. It seems the “fist and thumb” has been trumped by the all new “Pinkie Pinch.” We managed to capture it on camera, as it happened – for you to enjoy at your leisure. Click play on the video above to see it as it unfolded in front of us.

It’s pure genius – as we’ve come to expect from the master. Derek Watts’ on-screen repertoire is known to influence a great number of TV presenters, who will no doubt be attempting to copy the new move in coming weeks.

I won’t lie – I have been known to try out Dezza’s original  “fist and thumb” move on the odd occasion, as you will see at the 38 second mark of this episode of Tech Report, from ETV (every Thursday night channel 403 at 21h30).

It would be remiss of me not to mention another influence of mine, David Brent, who taught me the “finger clasp” (with optional lip-bite), which I threw out in this episode, at the 32 second mark. Sorry if you missed those.

We caught Derek thinking out the box back in 2009 (also during his closing message to camera) as he wished everyone a “schweet week.” No spice – you can check it out here.

Catch “Tech Report” on Thursday nights at 21h30 – ETV News (channel 403).

We’re trying out new moves all the time.