Friday, March 14, 2025

Spike Lee Accidentally Terrorizes Innocent Elderly Couple

An blog post allegedly featuring the residential address of George Zimmerman - the man who killed Trayvon Martin - has gone viral. The post went viral after it was retweeted by Spike Lee to his 250 000 followers. Unfortunately, the address actually belongs to an innocent elderly couple, who now live in fear.

An blog post allegedly featuring the residential address of George Zimmerman – the man who killed Trayvon Martin – has gone viral. The post went viral after it was retweeted by Spike Lee to his 250 000 followers. Unfortunately, the address actually belongs to an innocent elderly couple, who now live in fear.

The kinds of reposts and replies that have accompanied Lee’s tweet include calls to action like “Let’s turn up the heat on his bitch ass!!!”, despite George Zimmerman’s bitch ass being somewhere entirely different.

Lee isn’t responsible for the original message; some guy confused the McClain’s much older son, William George Zimmerman for the murderous George Zimmerman, then sent the address to celebrities like 50 Cent, Will Smith and Lebron James – and Spike Lee. Lee was the only one to retweet the message, leading to the chain of reposts and harassment aimed the the McClains, who have considered sending a (redundant) cease-and-desist to Lee.

Meanwhile, Lee has continued to tweet nearly non-stop about the Martin case – although he’s officially offered “no comment” on the backlash regarding his helping to sic the Internet on a sweet old couple. Nice job there, guy.
[Source: TSG]