Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Miss Universe Canada Finalist Disqualified For Being Transgender

6'1' bombshell, Jenna Talackova of Vancouver was disqualified from the Donald Trump-owned Miss Universe Canada beauty pageant for "not meeting the requirements to compete despite having stated otherwise on her entry form,” according to competition officials. By which they mean she was disqualified for being born with male genitalia.

6’1′ bombshell, Jenna Talackova of Vancouver was disqualified from the Donald Trump-owned Miss Universe Canada beauty pageant for “not meeting the requirements to compete despite having stated otherwise on her entry form,” according to competition officials. By which they mean she was disqualified for being born with male genitalia.

Come on, Canada. I thought you guys were meant to be the nice America.

Especially when you bear in mind that the Miss Universe Canada rules don’t say a thing about gender – requiring only that contestants be Canadian citizens and between the ages of 18 and 27.

Talackova, 23, underwent sexual reassignment surgery in 2010 after living most of her life as a woman.

She hasn’t spoken to the press about the disqualification yet – although she has vented a little on her twitter account:

I’m disqualified, however I’m not giving up. I’m not going to just let them disqualify me over discrimination.

I mean I don’t know why we’re surprised at something to do with Donald Trump being awful, but hey.

[Source: CTV]