Not even 24 hours ago, a user of the popular user-generated news link website, reddit, asked if readers wouldn’t mind helping out with a donation for an orphanage in Kenya. Humans went over and above what was required, by a long way. This is awesome.
Just listen to this story, gang:
Meet Omari. Two days ago he returned from the hospital after being hacked in the face by a machete defending an orphanage of 35 children by himself. Think we could raise the $2 000 needed for the remainder of the cement/barbed wire wall to keep both him and the children safe?
Omari’s mom acts as mother to the children while she receives assistance from volunteers, as well as Omari, at the Faraja Orphanage in Ngong, Kenya.
This is how the attack played out:
After two previous invasions during the week, Omari was relatively certain another would occur. He woke up to the sound of footsteps outside his door. He figured it was his mother taking a few of the boys outside to go to the bathroom. He quickly realized that the footsteps were heavy, and that of more than one person; he then saw a flashlight shine beneath the crack of his door. Being the third time this happened that week; he had already stashed a hammer beside his bed. He grabbed it, and threw it at the first person who entered his room. He hit the person square in the head, and chased the rest out. The following night, the three thugs returned, presumably to avenge their friend. Omari put up a fight but was outnumbered. The last thing he remembers was being struck in the face by the machete. He has been in and out of the hospital since, yet remains positive and confident that the suspects will one day see justice. Until then, I only hope that is courage and strength is felt by all of you. Speaking with him was a very humbling and special experience that I will never forget. I told him I would try my best to help, so this is my effort: Reddit, already donations are pouring in, and I can’t thank you enough.
The donations did indeed start pouring in, and within a few hours, quite a few thousand dollars had been raised.
Not stopping there, humans continued their awesomeness and carried on pumping in thousands more dollars.
The original poster, The Lake, added this update to the story:
$44 000!!!!!!!!! REDDIT!!!!! I can hardly breathe. I refreshed the page at least twice to make sure it was real. I cannot believe this.
Then, after wanting to sleep for a while, The Lake was unable to:
Who am I kidding I couldn’t sleep if I tried. We hit the $50 000 mark! I know by now I sound like a broken record, but thank you Reddit, sincerely.
Well done humans, you are very kind.
[Thanks, Evert]
[Source: reddit]