Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The 2oceansvibe Family – Like The Skulls, But Friendlier

We got this heartwarming report from 2oceansviber, Carryn Ortlepp over the weekend. Some people forget to mention they are 2oceansvibers when they use our partners, like Digicape. You really should make a special effort to name drop when you're around one of our brand partners - this is the kind of stuff that goes down.

We got this heartwarming report from 2oceansviber, Carryn Ortlepp over the weekend. Some people forget to mention they’re 2oceansvibers when they use our partners, like Digicape. You really should make a special effort to name drop when you’re around one of our brand partners – this is the kind of stuff that goes down.

Carryn says:

On December 30th at around 16h00, I popped into Digicape to chat to the team about installing the Microsoft programs, setting up mail etc…the boring stuff you need to do to a shiny new Mac to make life so much easier in the long run. Somehow in between walking from my car (parked immediately outside the store) and leaving an hour later my car keys disappeared (I don’t mean I lost them, they literally disappeared!) After searching my handbag, the store, asking security & every other store in the square,  we started trying to break into Jem (my beautiful Tazz, and short for Jemimah)!

Kyle had been helping me in the store and assured me his skills extended to popping Jem’s lock quickly! Around 40 minutes later and after Brendon and a few others had also had an attempt, we were realizing that this was an extremely latent talent and Jem was not giving up access quite so easily. By now the store had closed and the rest of the team was aware and assisting with advice, searching and, from Gaynor (their Sales Director), the offer of calling a locksmith.

By now, I was convinced my keys must have fallen under the seat when i got out the car so I agreed that Kyle could break the rear window so we could check that as an option.  With great glee and enthusiasm, Kyle smashed the window, and of course, no keys under the seat! Now I was well and truly screwed. My flat is on the 16th floor of a secure block and my spare car keys were in my flat – I was left with no option but to take up Gaynor’s offer of a locksmith – my heart was sinking at the thought of the hefty bill to get this help at 18h00 on the Friday before the long New Years weekend.

Little did I know that Gaynor’s Dad was the locksmith in question! John arrived around 20 minutes later bringing 2 accomplices along and drove me back to my flat. We were expecting a super quick break in attempt (one of those immediate movie style lock pickings) however the locks where I live are apparently designed to guard against any form of lock picking – this is great in any other circumstance!!  This did not deter John and at around 18h30 he departed to his shop to get a larger wrench thingy which we needed to break the lock in half.

About 10 seconds after his return with the large wrench thingy, we were in (not as subtle as the movies!!) and a few minutes later my lock was replaced.   On asking what I owed him, the response was “no no, its taken care of”! Well blow me over with a feather!! If that is not incredible, above and beyond service, I don’t know what is! What could have been a complete nightmare, leading to many tears and a hugely depleted bank balance turned into nothing more than a missed sushi date and the inconvenience of replacing a few remotes.

I cannot thank John, Gaynor and the Digicape team enough. From keeping me laughing to saving me bucket loads, this really was above and beyond the call of duty! Not that I would ever go against an ‘@2oceansvibe’ recommendation, but I don’t think the same would have happened if I was at the Waterfront iStore!!  I’ll definitely be back and this is only the beginning of my spreading the good news about Digicape.

PS I must also commend the PG Autoglass Green Point store – my window was replaced in 20 minutes the next morning
PPS If the lovely person who must have taken my keys (by mistake, I hope) could return them before I go through the remote replacing rigmarole, that would be greatly appreciated!

Well there you have it, boys and girls. We’re more than a community. We’re a family, because we love each other.

I love you.

So much.