While it’s pretty obvious that most of the “Occupy” protestors are banging in their tents (hell, there’s even an entire tumblr dedicated to Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street), a New York based adult film company has now shot a porn in the tents of Occupy Oakland. The name of the film? “Occupy My Throat.”
I don’t know how they filmed this between the tear gas, evictions, and murders – but where there is a porn director with a will, there is always a way. Then again, while the B-roll was filmed at the protests, the sex in the tent could have been recorded in your mom’s backyard just as easily as the actual site.
The homoerotic fairytale follows two young hippies through the protest area and tents as they “occupy” each other. Described as “a challenge to the right to free speech with your mouth full,” the tagline is what sells it:
Police can ban the erection of tents at Occupy Wall Street, but they can’t keep us from pitching a tent in our pants!
I’m also pretty sure there’s a 99%/1% joke in there somewhere.
[Source: New York Observer]