Thursday, March 27, 2025

Cape Town Designer’s T-Shirt Pops Up Again In Modern Family

Jaco Haasbroek is a designer from Cape Town. This guy designed a t-shirt so cool that it has now been worn twice on one of the biggest TV shows at the moment. The shirt is called “High 5” and it popped up in an episode of Modern Family last month, and again on last Wednesday’s episode. High-five!

Modern Family, Season 3, Episode 5 (12 October 2011)

Jaco Haasbroek is a designer from Cape Town.  This guy designed a t-shirt so cool that it has now been worn twice on one of the biggest TV shows at the moment. The shirt is called “High 5” and it popped up in an episode of Modern Family last month, and again on last Wednesday’s episode. Both times they were worn by Luke. High-five!

Modern Family, Season 3, Episode 8 (16 November 2011)

For more of Jaco’s designs, check out his website and Twitter feed.

[Thanks, Luca!]