If you’re bad at choosing both your music and your beverage, drinkify.org will help ease the burden by telling you which drinks go best with your music of choice. And if this isn’t what the internet was made for, well then I have been mislead.
The suggestions are a little off sometimes – ‘Die Antwoord,’ for instance, somehow comes up wit “10 oz. Talisker Scotch. Garnish with maraschino cherry.” – but because the site is linked to Last.fm and its ever-growing stock of obscure music and music tags, the brains behind this thing go pretty in-depth. The ‘Bob Dylan‘ is “8 oz. Sipsmith Gin and 8 oz. Cough syrup.” Which, I mean, yeah, sounds about right.
By in-depth I also mean cruel – the drink of choice for Miles Davis is “1 oz. Heroin.”
For a neat drinking game, put iTunes on shuffle in conjunction with drinkify. Just, you know, have some paramedics on stand-by.
[Source: drinkify]