You may recall a previous article on the three-times widowed, fantastically wealthy Duchess of Alba’s proposed remarriage to Alfonso Diez, a man 24 years her junior. I’m pretty sure the last thing anyone (especially her) wanted popping up was a topless photo of that 85-year-old struck match, on the cover of a magazine. Lawsuit, here we come.
The photo, which recently appeared on the cover of racy Spanish magazine, Interviu has clearly upset the Duchess and prompted her lawyer, Javier Saavedra, to sue for privacy infringement.
Doña Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, 18th Duchess of Alba is reputedly worth somewhere around between 600 million and 3,5 billion Euros, making her the last person on earth you want to fight in court.
The ceremony, which will take place on Wednesday in the chapel of her 15th century Palacio de las Duenas in Seville, will allow no press, with most Journalists being forced to watch from the entrance gates.
It is also reported that she is the only one to have seen her wedding dress, besides the two designers of the gown, in contrast with her previous ceremony, which took place in October 1947, and was, according to the New York Times,”Spain’s most elaborate social event since the end of the monarchy”.
According to the Spanish press, she has already recieved blessings from King Juan Carlos.
Let’s hope she makes it through the ceremony without turning to dust.
[Source: theage]