“Er, well probably not what it says inside the card!”
It’s nice to know that whatever horrible, depressing situation life chucks at you, there is a bland, trite greeting card just desperate to leap off the rack at CNA and into your life to depress you even further.
Prompted by the double-dip recession and record-breaking job losses in the States, greetings card giant Hallmark has produced a series of cards designed to express the tricky sentiments that spoken words simply cannot when a friend or loved one gets the old heave-ho from their place of employment.
Containing such trite sentiments as:
“Don’t think of it as losing your job… Think of it as time between stupid bosses”
“It’s hard to know what to say at a sensitive time like this… How about, I’m buying!” (ugh! -Ed),
The cards are reportedly flying off the shelves, bought by well-meaning, gainfully-employed Americans who can apparently afford to blow R50 on a tactless piece of paper too small to keep anyone’s kerb-side trash-can fire going for more than a few bright seconds. Good intentions, eh.
[Source: Newser]