Sunday, March 16, 2025

September 1, 2011

How About You Don’t Buy Your Kids A 9/11 Colouring Book

Titled ‘ We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom’, this absolute joke is timed to coincide with the attacks’ tenth anniversary. The publishers claim that it is designed to educate kids who had not yet been born when the events took place. It’s not long before stuffed Scooby Doo is dressed in a hijab looking down the barrel of a toddler sized Glock 45.

Titled ‘ We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom’, this absolute joke is timed to coincide with the attacks’ tenth anniversary. The publishers  claim that it is designed to educate kids who had not yet been born when the events took place. It’s not long before stuffed Scooby Doo is dressed in a hijab looking down the barrel of a toddler sized Glock 45.

How’s this, one of the scenes depicted in the book is Osama bin Laden’s execution. It actually shows him hiding behind a woman in a hijab as a bullet from a Navy SEAL’s rifle hurtles towards him, during the raid on his Pakistani compound.

All in the name of education, of course.

And cue psycho author/publisher rants:

“Children, the truth is, these terrorist acts were done by freedom-hating radical Islamic Muslim extremists,”

“These crazy people hate the American way of life because we are FREE and our society is FREE.”

Dawud Walid, the executive director of the council on American Islamic Relations has labeled the book ‘disgusting’ and accused the publishers of teaching children how to be prejudice.

Parents of the world picture this: Barbie Guantanamo Bays, led by hardened Batmen and GI Joes. Get ready for Chappie sized C4 packs strapped to the pillars of Jenga skyscrapers and Geroge Bush dolls behind matchbox size podiums, forever turning play time into ‘war on terror time’.

How about you don’t buy your kids a 9/11 colouring book.

[Source: telegraph]