And in good news: researchers at the University of Cambridge re-examined the results of seven existing studies and concluded that high levels of chocolate consumption might be associated with a reduction in the risk of developing heart disease. The research was presented at Europe’s biggest medical meeting in Paris yesterday.
It’s still a little unclear just why there is such a link because, as we all know, the good stuff is full of calories and other nasty stuff.
So, eating too much of it could lead to weight gain, diabetes, or even heart disease – the very condition some believe chocolate is working to prevent in the first place.
However, dark chocolate contains composites called flavanols – thought to be good for the blood system.
Chocolate also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that work to reduce blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity.
The numbers are pretty good though: the seven studies comprised some 100 000 respondents and figures showed the highest levels of chocolate consumption were associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease and a 29% reduction in strokes compared with the lowest levels of consumption.
Only two of the seven studies indicated otherwise.
The research findings certainly present an area worth putting more research into, as Tufts University’s Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory’s director and senior scientist, Alice Lichtenstein, explains:
The observations represent associations, not cause and effect. The results of the evidence review provide support for conducting controlled intervention trials using well-defined preparations of chocolate before we can determine the actual effect of chocolate on heart disease risk.
Were there compounds in cocoa that decrease heart risk, it will be important to identify them, isolate them, and determine the optimal dose and best route to administer them.
I don’t know about you, gang, but five out of seven makes for pretty good odds in my opinion.
Just don’t forget to exercise a little too.
[Source: CNN]