“Don’t cross them, they’ll slay you”
Is there anything worse than a) being possessed by an evil spirit, and then b) being relieved of said satanic imp by some fugly old preacher with liver spots and shaky hands? Exorcism might not be pretty, but no-one said your exorcist can’t be.
Enter Reverend Bob Larson and his Teenage Exorcist Girl Squad. No spice. Reverend Larson of the Spiritual Freedom Church, Arizona, USA (of course…) claims not only to be a veteran exorcist, but further claims that he has “hundreds” of teams of exorcists working around the world relieving people of their demonic stowaways.
It seems a demon hunter’s work is never done, so the good Reverend has personally trained a crack team of five teenage girls (one his own daughter, Brynne) who are adept at the laying on of hands, and the booting out of demons. They’ve worked all over the world, are about to get their own reality show (in Canada, no less), and are just a phone call away…
Says the Reverend on why the world needs his teen demon-ass kicking dream team:
Our phone lines are ringing constantly – we receive up to 1,000 individual requests monthly, and we travel to countries like Africa, Ukraine, England and even Australia. […] We have found that our female, teenage exorcists are particularly effective at curing the possessed […]
Says Brynne, on the evils of modern entertainment:
I think Harry Potter and Twilight are instigators of evil […] I don’t watch any television at all. I’m much too busy praying and fighting the devil.
Say the Taiwanese News Animators on the Teenage Exorcist Girl Squad: {Note: English version accessible through this one]
Eat your heart out, Buffy.
[Source: io9]