Friday, March 14, 2025

July 19, 2011

Great Discovery: Nipple Found On Woman’s Foot

Every now and then it’s important to share news that makes one rethink the definition of the word “gross”. This was the first word that came to mind when I read about this latest medical marvel: the first time a fully formed nipple has been found on a woman’s foot.

Every now and then it’s important to share news that makes one rethink the definition of the word “gross”. This was the first word that came to mind when I read about this latest medical marvel: the first time a fully formed nipple has been found on a woman’s foot.

Apparently between one and five percent of the population are believed to suffer from the condition of having a third or even fourth nipple, clinically referred to as supernumerary breast tissue. However, these extra nipples tend to appear above the waist.

Singer Lilly Allen is famous for her extra nipple, which she’s been more than willing to whip out at a moment’s notice. Another sufferer is Mark Wahlberg.

But to have a nipple so far down on the body, in fact you can’t go much more down than under the foot, seems to be a medical first.

So weird is the nipple that it has been featured in the medical journal “Dermatology Online”. In the article the authors say:

Microscopic examination of the dermis showed hair follicles, eccrine glands, and sebaceous glands.

Fat tissue was noted at the base of the lesion. Clinical and histopathologic findings were consistent with the diagnosis of supernumerary breast tissue, also known as pseudomamma.

To our knowledge, this is the first report of supernumerary breast tissue on the foot.”

Supernumerary breast tissue, known as SBT, is rarely found beyond the mammary line. But they have been seen before on the back, shoulder, face, and even thigh.”

The report goes on to say that the nipple had been there since birth and that she doesn’t suffer from any pain.

I wonder, is this a foot fetishist’s dream?

[Source : The Sun]