Tuesday, March 11, 2025

June 21, 2011

World Naked Bike Ride Takes Place “Gently” In Portland [NSFW PICS]

They say Portland, Oregon, in America has pretty much become the hipster capital of the world – the city where young people go to retire! The other night roughly 9 000 of them took part in a naked bike race to “ protest gently against fossil fuel dependence.” Pics of some of the bicycles inside– just check that you are alone in the office first.

Your eyes aren’t deceiving you. That is most definitely a naked guy with a fro on a skateboard.

They say Portland, Oregon, in America has pretty much become the hipster capital of the world – the city where young people go to retire! The other night roughly 9 000 of them took part in a naked bike race to “ protest gently against fossil fuel dependence.”

Look at all the different kinds of bicycles below:

Is Portland starting to look like your kind of vibe? Then check out all the other benefits:


You, my friend, are welcome.

[Source: Thanks Martin & Bike Portland!]