Those of you who read the daily Morning Spice headlines, will remember that on Friday last week, we told you about a posh brawl which broke out at this year’s Royal Ascot, the most famous of English horse racing events. Apparently okes were taking each other on, with table legs and R1,000 bottles of bubbly. So awesome. But now it’s even better, because we have found pictures for you. Click link for story and photo gallery (including man wielding bottle of Laurent Perrier Rose champagne)..
From Metro:
Royal Ascot Ladies Day is usually a day to celebrate refinement, but obviously no one told the men, who ended up fighting each other with broken chair legs and champagne bottles in a mass brawl.
To the amazement of punters trying to enjoy a day at the races, eight men threw themselves into a full-blown fight near a bubbly bar at the back of the grandstand.
Drinks and tables went flying as punches were thrown between the group. One man was being mens health drugs india held in a headlock as others scrapped on the patch of lawn around a bar near the bandstand.
Stunned onlookers, who moments earlier had been sipping £98 bottles of Laurent Perrier Rose, desperately tried to get out of the way after finding themselves suddenly in the middle of the violent brawl at the racecourse in Berkshire.
[more here]
My God! Can you imagine the scene?
“Dam you, James – you know I have been courting Ruth for the past year.”
“She is nothing but a commoner and has no place here!”
“My father is a Commander!”
“Your mother is a harlot!”
I really hope someone initiated the fight by throwing his hanky on the ground.
[images source : The Daily iPad newspaper]
REMEMBER: You would have known about this on Friday, if you were like the thousands of people who read the 2oceansvibe daily ‘Morning Spice’ headlines – which come out Monday to Friday before 8am.
We give you the headlines that people are REALLY talking about.