Sunday, March 16, 2025

Today’s Jack Friday Winner, And Evidence Of Last Month’s Amazing Jack Friday Experience [VIDEO]

When we said that we were going to revolutionize the South African work place by lobbying for shorter (read: “nonexistent”) Friday working hours, we weren’t kidding around. Proof? Thanks to the help of our friends at Jack Daniels, and the marvelous Last Word hotel group, we got ourselves a yacht. The Princess Emma, to be specific. The whole of Clifton 4th Beach was ours. And we spent the afternoon treating one lucky Capetonian to a taste of how life on Fridays is meant to be lived. Click through for the details of this week’s Jack Friday winner.

Wasn’t that something? The next 2oceansVibe Jack Friday Experience happens on 3 July, so make sure you’re reading 2oceansVibe and following on Twitter to stay abreast of the latest developments and details of how to enter.

In the mean time, the weekly Jack Friday competition, brought to you by 2oceansVibe and Jack Daniels continues to march forward! Every week we’ll be giving away a bottle of Jack to the person who sends in the best picture of themselves living the Jack Friday vibe by lounging during work hours. This week’s prize goes to a tweeter by the name of @TaraPaige88.

Well done, Tara! Perhaps the permanent marker could be daubed off the forehead of this particular gentlemen with a rag and a little Jack?

Remember you too could win a bottle of Jack Daniel’s every Friday just by tweeting in a pic of you chilling out on a Friday, instead of working (make sure you use the #jackfriday hashtag). Because that’s what Fridays are for.

CLICK HERE to see the Jack Friday story so far, and maybe you could win one of our monthly Jack Friday excursions, where we kidnap people from their offices and take them on an unforgettable Friday afternoon…