Sunday, March 23, 2025

June 17, 2011

Maker Of Blackberry’s Shares Fall

South African’s just love their Blackberrys, and annoyingly rave about how cool they are, and constantly put their Blackberry pins up on Facebook, saying, "Just got my BB. Add me guys!" But RIM, the company that makes the annoying device, seems to be in quite the spot of bother.

South African’s just love their Blackberrys, and annoyingly rave about how cool they are, and constantly put their  Blackberry pins up on Facebook, saying, “Just got my BB. Add me guys!” But RIM, the company that makes the annoying device, seems to be in quite the spot of bother.

Research In Motion’s profits dropped and its income didn’t even hit its own pessimistic forecast, leaving Blackberry with no other choice but to slash it’s outlook, allowing shares to fall by 15% yesterday.

Even more depressing for fans of the company voted “coolest brand in South Africa”, is that its latest models won’t be released until the lucrative “back to school” shopping season in the US. This delay will likely add to the misery felt by investors after RIM’s failed launch of its Playbook tablet.

I’ve always said that the Blackberry operating system is complete rubbish and it seems that I may finally be vindicated. As BGC analyst, Colin Gillis puts it:

The company is going into the abyss of a transition, and even if they get a new model, it’s a new model on the old platform.

He is but one of many who have criticized RIM’s development process, which has lost its allure as the iPhone and Android have changed the rules of the game.

[Source : Fin24]