Thursday, March 13, 2025

Stand Up To Goliath – Lewis Pugh Challenges Shell In Remarkable Anti-Mining Speech [VIDEO]

Recently, news came to light that fossil energy giant, Shell Petroleum, was moving towards engaging in launching an environmentally devastating drilling expedition in the Karoo. The drilling procedure, which is ostensibly a search for natural gas, is known as Fracking.

Recently, news came to light that fossil energy giant, Shell Petroleum, was moving towards engaging in launching an environmentally devastating drilling expedition in the Karoo. The drilling procedure, which is ostensibly a search for natural gas, is known as Fracking.

There was heated debate at Kelvin Grove in Cape Town on Friday afternoon over the subject. Shell presented their draft Environmental Management Plan for fracking in the Karoo basin to around 300 people, the vast majority of whom were strongly opposed to the plan.

Lewis Pugh, the internationally renowned “Human Polar Bear” delivered a remarkably emotive speech in support of the Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG). Pugh, known as a passionate spokesperson for the environment, is a driving force behind TKAG, which is coordinating protest action in an effort to  save the Karoo from irreparable environmental harm.

Lewis Pugh

Pugh’s said that Shell’s actions were a threat to the very Constitution of South Africa, which South Africans had fought and died for to become a reality. “There are many here among us who do not want the dreams of our heroes to be rubbished by an amoral corporate giant. There are many here among us who do not want this – our hard-fought Constitution – treated as mere scrawls on a piece of paper.”

Pugh went even further in his criticism of Shell, claiming that the company was not to be trusted, and cited Shell’s shocking environmental and human rights record in the Niger Delta. He concluded his speech with a call to arms.

You have lit a fire in our bellies, which no man or woman can extinguish. And if we need to, we will take this fight all the way from your petrol pumps to the very highest Court in this land. We will take this fight from the farms and towns of the Karoo to the streets of London and Amsterdam. And we will take this fight to every one of your shareholders. And I have no doubt, that in the end, good will triumph over evil.

How can you help? Contact the decision makers and voice your disapproval of Shell’s fracking plans .See the details below.

Faxes are preferred to emails, because our archaic government departments log and register objections via fax, but not via email. Nevertheless, a spammed mailbox will get anyone’s attention.

Department of Mineral Resources

Fax +27 (012) 444 3145 –  Minister Susan Shabang

Email – Personal Assistant to the Minister to Minister Susan Shabangu

Email – Chief of Staff Ms Monica Zabo

Department of Water and Environmental Affairs

Fax +27 (021) 465 3362 – Minister Ms Bomo Edna Molewa

Email – Director-General Ms Nosipho Ngcaba

Email – Chief of Staff (Head of Ministry) Mrs Nchedi Sophia Maphokga

Department of Energy

Fax +27 (021) 444 4505  – Minister Ms Elizabeth Dipuo Peters.

Email – Personal Assistant to the Minister

Petro SA

Email – Dr Nompumelelo Siswana


Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG)

Jonathan Deal



Tel 076-838-5150