Hear ye, hear ye!
Today is Friday. You know what that means. That means that we knock off at 12h00.
Do you know why we knock off at 12h00? Because we’re not lying to ourselves.
You shouldn’t either.
No one is working productively after 12h00 on a Friday afternoon. The only thing that happens is the willful killing of time, begging every second flee before the great hand of 17h00 on the office wall clock.
But enough of that. You can read the rest of the well-reasoned argument here, and previously, here.
We promised you that we would do something to remedy this farcical situation. We’re actually aiming to get local, and someday, national labour law changed, to reflect the actual habits and working hours of Cape Town’s great unwashed (that would be you and me). So we’ve been lobbying our asses off. You can sign the petition here. It’s a pleasure.
So throughout this week we’ve been attempting to deliver the reams of signed petition notices to the Mayoral office. But we’re trying to get a dialogue going, so we won’t engage in mischievous tendencies, like dumping bundles of paper on the steps of the civic offices. No, we want to have tea. Tea, which was offered to us some time ago.
As you can see, our attempt to redeem the Mayor’s invitation to tea has been rebuffed. Dialogue is not possible for the next three weeks.
Hell, we even sent Dan Plato a friend request on Facebook. No dice.
This will not stand.
Stand by for what we call a lobbying “lesson in initiative”.