We might live in a 3rd Wold country, but at least we don’t have to put up with these guys. The usual suspects like Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-Il, and Muammar al-Gaddafi can be found on this list, along with seven other monsters, between them responsible for corruption, cannibalism, pedophilia, and the deaths of millions of innocent people.
Here are some “highlights”
- King Mswati III from Swaziland passed a law in 2001 which prohibits girls from having sex until they reach 21 and even forces them to wear tassels to highlight their virginity. When Mswati himself broke his own law after selecting an under-age wife (his eighth), he simply fined himself a single cow and married her anyway.
- Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea is believed to be a cannibal (or at least he perpetuates this rumor himself), and eats his opponents livers and testicles.
- Under Than Shwe of Burma’s rule, kidnapping of children for use in the military is a common occurrence, with an estimated 70 000 of the country’s 350 000 to 400 000 soldiers being under the age of 18.
- The government-backed Janjaweed militia of of Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir has been responsible for mass killings as well as widespread rape and the expulsion of millions of indigenous tribal people from their traditional lands. This has resulted in an estimated 200 000 to 400 000 deaths so far.
For the entire top 10, as well as personal achievements, click here.
[Source: Branz]